Carbonlog Partners


Carbonlog partners is a newly founded NGO from the city of Douala in Cameroon. Driven by entrepreneurial spirit, the team aims to train thousands of farmers in Cameroon to have a sustainable impact on the countries agricultural sector and its people.

Project Partner

Carbonlog partners are a small team of agricultural experts who can mainly be found in the field, giving trainings and producing biochar. They have started their journey with very limited resources, but still managed to already exercise significant impact in their region. Their demand in trainings is high and every week more farmers join their cause. Their purpose is to help every interested smallholder farmer to lean the correct techniques of biochar production and application, directly in their farmyards to reduce the dependence on chemical, reduce soil leaching, and boost soil health for healthier food productions systems, cleaner water sources and general improvement of public health in rural communities.

Project Details

Carbonlog has already trained over 100 smallholder farmers in biochar production to improve their farming practices and stabilize their livelihoods. In the long term, Ambe Pascal Akabe and his team aim to be a stronghold of biochar production and sustainable agricultural practices in Cameroon, providing the knowledge and trainings smallholder farmers need to improve their soil health and consecutively their yields and income. Additionally, the sale of CDR certificates will bring in significantly more income to farmers and Carbonlog, to re-invest into growing infrastructure, train more and more farmers, reduce poverty, empower communities and exercise lasting impact on the countries agricultural sector.

Annual delivery of CO₂ tons:



  • empowerment of smallholder farmers and impoverished communities
  • reduction of dependence on conventional chemical fertilizers
  • utilization of feedstock that would otherwise be burnt or rot
  • improvement of soil health
  • teaching of future-proof circular and sustainable agriculture on the farm level

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